Thursday, January 9, 2020

Reynier van Quackenbosch, Son Of Pieter

Reynier and Lysbeth had the following children: Adrian, Benjamin, Dievertje (a twin), Claas (a twin that died in infancy), Claas (probably died in infancy). Lysbeth Jans Masten died about 1690.

Reynier married a second time in New York on Sept. 13, 1692 to Claesje (Claudia) Jacobs Stille, who was baptised in New York on Feb. 11, 1672 and was the daughter of Jacob Cornelis Stille (known as Jacob Woertendyke or Somerdyke in the records), and Aaltje (Alida) Fredericks. Together, Reynier and Claesje had the following children: Jacob, arritje, Johannes, and Claas (mentioned once only in "Annals of Albany), and Abraham.

Reynier van Quackenbosch came to New Netherlands with his father (Pieter van Quackenbosch) from Oestgeest, near Leiden, Holland. He probably lived in Albany prior to his first marriage, which occurred in New York city, Feb. 11, 1674, after which he settled in the vicinity of Schenectady. It is told traditionally that the wife and infant of one of the Quackenbush ancestors were slain by the Indians in Schenectady, and if this be true the coincidence of dates and other circumstances would indicate that Lysbeth Hasten and her son Claas (17) were the victims. Their names do not appear in the list of those slain on the night of Feb. 8, 1690, when occurred the memorable burning of Schenectady, and the Secretary of New York State, Hon. John Palmer, reports that there are no records in his office referring to this incident; but the Indians are known to have committed many depredations about that time of which no records have been preserved.

Reynier Quackenbosch and his wife Lysbeth Jans Hasten are named as "members of the Church of Jesus Christ at NewAlbany"in the year 1683, and three of their children were baptized there, as were probably the other two, but this is uncertain owing to the destruction of the Albany church records covering the period between 1630 and 1683. After the death of his first wife Reynier lived in NewYork, as indicated by his marriage there Sept. 13, 1692, to Claasje Jacobs Stille, and the baptism of all their children in the New York church.

He is next heard of at Canastagione, on the north branch of the Hohawk river, where he and his brother Johannes owned farms. This district is thus described in Schuyler's"Colonial New York " :The settlement at Canastagione, on the north bank of the Hohawk river, was somewhat distant from another of the same name on the south side near Niscayuna. It was made by seven farmers, Jean Fort, Jean Rosie, a Frenchman often employed as an interpreter on the missions to Canada, Dirk Arentse Bratt, two brothers—Jan and Reynier Quackenbosch, and the brothers Gerrit Ryckse and Haas Ryckse Van Vranken.

The farms were located on the interval along the river, each having about the same frontage ; behind was an unbroken forest. The nearest neighbors were across the river, some three miles distant, and at Half Hoon, on the same side about five miles below. The settlers chose the wilderness, where they could hold their lands in fee, rather than settle on the Manor of Rensselaerwyck under long or perpetual leases.

In 1703 Jean Fort sent a petition to the Governor for some of the wild land back of his farm, but was not successful. Three years later the seven farmers joined in an agreement to procure what Fort had individually sought in vain. They entered into an agreement with Col. Peter Schuyler to procure for them a patent from the Governor for a tract of land one mile in depth lying back of their farms, for which they stipulated to pay him £50 on delivery of the patent. The instrument was signed by the several parties except Fort, whose wife signed her own name " Margaret, ye wife of Jan Fort, Liberte." The paper is still preserved uncancelled by one of the descendants of Schuyler. The patent was granted on April 20, 1708, and the next year the parties released to each other one seventh of the whole.The settlement, being on the borders of civilization, was not safe from the incursions of unfriendly Indians, and of their savage allies, the Canadian French. Gradually the Rosies, the Bratts and the Quackenbosch's withdrew to safer localities.

Reynier Quackenbosch died between the years 1708—the date of the Canastagione patent, and 1711, when it is recorded that his widow Claasje married Jacob Koning.

Reynier, son of Pieter, was born in Holland about1658 and died between1708 and 1711. He first married in New York, on February 11,1674 to Lysbeth (Elizabeth) Jans Masten, "maiden from Flushing in New Netherlands, who was baptized in New York on June 3, 1657, and was the daughter of Jan Masten.

1 comment:

  1. The name of the river is the Mohawk, which leads into the Hudson River, north of Albany NY. It is misspelled above.
